FuturePart is a collective agency for rigorous research and experimental design thinking. With a strong focus on process and digital technology, we find meaning in the making.
Reshaping the future of [work]space
How can we reshape the future [work]space to become frictionless & offer greater choice, combined with flexibility, safety and wellbeing?
UnCommon – The Challenges of Isolated Space
An online dialogue between the 5 collaborators of the InCommon - The Possibilities of Collective Space exhibition post the Covid 19 lockdown
InCommon – The Possibilities of Collective Space
A collaborative exhibition designed to create a dialogue about the future of architecture.
FuturePart presents at the University of Cambridge, Conflict in Architecture and the City Symposium
The FuturePart team had the privilege of presenting the research paper 'The Possibilities of Corporate Privately Managed Public Spaces in Johannesburg and Nairobi' at the University of Cambridge, Conflict in Architecture and the City Symposium.
Jeremy Melvin, Curator of WAF, in discussion with Bob van Bebber on the Business of Awards
An overview of the World Architecture Festival's success over the last 12 years and discussion on the impact it has had on winning practices and the architectural industry.
A Future Of Corporate Privately Managed Public Spaces
An exploration of if and how corporate PMPS encourage positive encounters and foster a sense of shared space or if they merely reify existing urban divisions.
Mapping Workshop with Dr. Diaan van der Westhuizen
Techniques for Mapping Use and Behaviour in Urban Space
Traces. A conceptual film that explores an alternate approach to marketing property
A conceptual film that explored a collaboration around media and visual presentation in marketing property to the public
FutureTalk – The design of NF Towers, Accra, Ghana
Video about the unique set of parameters that influenced the design of the NF Towers building in Accra Ghana.

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